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restaurants OSTERIA VIA TORINO 82/B

L'osteria di Via Torino con cucina casereccia
Ogni giorno un nuovo Menù tipico della tradizione

Buona compagnia, cibo genuino e vini di qualità: gli ingredienti perfetti per un pranzo o una cena da ricordare.

Vieni a trovarci da Osteria Via Torino 82/B a Bolzano, dal 2018 un riferimento di fiducia per chi ama la buona cucina veneta e desidera scoprirne i piatti più famosi e prelibati.

La nostra è una trattoria dove la tradizione fa da protagonista nei menù, sempre diversi perché studiati con cura in base agli ingredienti di stagione.

Da noi potrai assaporare una cucina semplice, ma gustosa perché preparata con passione secondo la filosofia più autentica della tradizione casereccia.

Dalla classica pasta e fagioli, una minestra deliziosa dal sapore antico, alla parmigiana di melanzane, fino ai dolci fatti in casa: in trattoria ti aspettano tante specialità tipiche, da assaporare anche in occasione di serate divertenti come quelle karaoke.

Contattaci per prenotare un tavolo o per conoscere gli eventi in programma: siamo aperti tutti i giorni a pranzo e a cena, tranne la domenica in cui effettuiamo solo il servizio pranzo.

L'Osteria offre anche servizio di Menù fisso e da asporto per pranzi aziendali, compleanni e feste private.

Prezzo speciale per tutti i tifosi delle partite di Campionato di Calcio Serie B:
il giorno delle partite prezzi scontati a pranzo e a cena.

Cucina tipica veneta

La nostra trattoria ama stupire i palati dei clienti con i sapori tipici veneti. La gastronomia del territorio è famosa per i piatti di terra, basati su ingredienti dal gusto genuino come fagioli, patate, verdure e carne. Inoltre ogni venerdì ispirandoci alla cucina tradizione proponiamo il baccalà alla vicentina e a venerd' alternati spaghetti cozze e vongole e seppioline in umido ai piselli con polenta.

Non mancano i grandi classici della tradizione italiana come le lasagne, la porchetta, la parmigiana di melanzane o la pizza alla pala. Il tutto da assaporare in un’atmosfera rustica e conviviale!

Pizza P.a.l.a.

Alle specialità venete affianchiamo il gusto della pizza alla pala, unica nella sua particolare forma rettangolare. Da Osteria Via Torino 82/B la prepariamo secondo tradizione, ossia attraverso un’attenta lavorazione artigianale che prevede la stesura a mano dell’impasto, idratato e lasciato lievitare lentamente.

Vieni a provarla, in trattoria la proponiamo con tante farciture differenti per soddisfare ogni esigenza di gusto!

restaurants DA MICHELE

Herzlich Willkommen bei Da Michele!

Meine Mitarbeiter und ich bieten Ihnen entspannter Atmosphäre und mit aufmerksamem Service einen Streifzug durch die italienische Küche. Sprechen Sie uns an und wir beraten Sie gerne bei der Auswahl unserer frisch zubereiteten Gerichte.
Ich wünsche Ihnen, Ihrer ganzen Familie und Freunden einen angenehmen Aufenthalt und guten Appetit!
Ihr Michele Lacopo

restaurants CAFFE ROYALE

The Restaurant

Situated on the bustling Glasgow Road and just a stone’s throw from Barshaw Park, Caffé Royale has become a thriving destination for excellent Italian cuisine in Paisley and beyond.

Established in 2016 but overseen as a family run operation since 2019, the restaurant pulls off the impressive feat of being stylish and contemporary while retaining a transportive quaintness which will immerse everyone that enters in the joy of the dining experience.

On top of its friendly and attentive staff are pivotal in creating the endearingly comfortable ambiance that's come to be one of its calling cards, what makes this eatery unique is the authenticity of its food.

Our Head Chef

After undertaking a professional pilgrimage in the 1980’s, head chef Colin Guthrie has immersed himself in the traditions and techniques of the mediterranean nation of Italy.

An enthusiastic student of his craft who learned under the tutelage of Sicilian chefs in Corleone, this all important period of hands-on training was supplemented by spending time in the markets of Palermo and getting a rare glimpse into the homespun methods of the mamma’s and nonna’s whose tried and tested methods have fed generations of families.

Inspired by the teachings of the old country, there is nothing mass-produced about what we do. Everything is cooked to order and as such, patience can often be a virtue as we always strive to deliver the most rewarding and flavourful visit that we can.

Our Food

Fusing the best local produce with select important items which imbue our food with the unmistakable quality of genuine Italian cooking, it goes without saying that no matter what time you pop in and what menu you choose to eat from, we prioritise freshness and always strive to outdo ourselves.

An establishment that is never stationary, our ever-changing specials menu ensures that we’re in a constant state of evolution and there’s always something new to tempt you when you pay your next visit.

Above all, our focus resides in delivering good food and good times. And if we can do that, then we can be content in the knowledge that we’ve done our job.

Please click here for information on dietary requirements.

restaurants Venere Ristorante


Pasta fatta a mano

Ogni giorno, realizziamo la pasta fatta in casa, seguendo le antiche tradizioni, con gesti tramandati, Stesa sottilmente e tagliata con maestria, rivela una consistenza avvolgente una volta cotta.

Ingredienti combinati attentamente

L'attenzione alla combinazione di alimenti freschi, genuini e di qualità è la chiave per creare esperienze gustative straordinarie.

Ogni scelta è un passo verso l'eccellenza, un tributo alla terra e al palato. In ogni piatto si riflette la cura nella selezione, nella combinazione e nella preparazione.

restaurants La Tenuta dei Piani

Ristorante immerso nella campagna di Ostia Antica.
Qui coltiviamo e facciamo rivivere le tradizioni

pizzerias Pizzeria Belvedere

Dal 2010 la pizza top e non solo a Massafra!!!!


7°classificato al Campionato Mondiale di pizza classica a Parma 2019



A food-family affair


The story behind Ristorante la Vela is as unique as the food we serve. A mixture of passion, determination and hard work, paved the way for our restaurant over a decade ago.

Ristorante La Vela as a concept was conceived by Michelle Muscat back in 2008. Accountant by profession, Muscat comes from a food-loving family with a long history in the catering business. La Vela started out as a hobby, however by time, it became a full-time job infused with much passion and dedication.

Through persistence and hard work, Michelle Muscat along with her team of talented chefs, created a place where wonder and amazement are merged into one, a place where you can enjoy a lovely meal and a great time.

This popular dining spot is not only known for its atmospheric ambience, but also for the wonderful dishes which are served to customers. Ristorante La Vela is known for hosting a number of celebrities including many popular singers, actors and football personalities from all over the world.

Meet Our Dedicated Chefs

Originally from Scicli, Ragusa where he studied the art of cooking, Enrico has joined the restaurant when he was 21 years old. He has grown with the restaurant for the past nine years and with his unlimited passion and dedication Enrico has proven time after time his talent for cooking.

Enrico is our head chef and together with Vincenzo he is pleasantly surprising our customers with new specialities each week.


Vincenzo is from Ispica, Sicily, and has been with La Vela for over five years now. His delicious dishes speak for his love and passion for food loud and clear. Coming from Ispica, where he went to catering school, Vincenzo has not only knowledge and skills but also great intuition.

The art of combining flavours and creating mouthwatering compositions has no secrets from him, which he has proven many times.

restaurants Restaurante Al Castello Denia

Restaurante de comida italiana artesanal y auténtica en DENIA.
Prueba nuestras piadinas también para llevar!


Welcome to Ca'Dario
Northern Italian Cuisine for Santa Barbara

If you’re searching for Santa Barbara Italian restaurants, then search no more. Ca’Dario Italian restaurants conveniently offer 4 locations in Santa Barbara, Goleta, and Montecito. Opened in 1997, the first Ca’Dario was one of the few downtown Santa Barbara restaurants offering authentic Northern Italian food. Over twenty years later, even though many other Italian restaurants have opened up, Ca’Dario restaurants have consistently been among the best Italian restaurants in Santa Barbara.

Chef Dario Furlati combines authentic imported pasta, cheese, tomatoes, flour, and olive oil with fresh local ingredients in order to offer the consistency in food quality that brings customers back year after year, making Ca’Dario restaurants among the best Italian restaurants Santa Barbara has to offer. The wine list includes a good selection of Italian wines from Sicily to Tuscany. Italian beers are also served.


Ristorante in pietra naturale, situato in un antico borgo medioevale, Alvito, presenta una cucina innovativa legata al territorio e ai sapori della tradizione!

Vieni a vivere delle forti “Sensazioni…..”

Menù nel link

Giorno di chiusura lunedì e martedi


Ristorante Bistrot nel cuore di Velletri
Colazione - Pranzo - Aperitivo - Cena

dining TRATTORIA BUONI AMICI Trattoria Buoni Amici staat bekend als 'de Italiaan zonder pizza's' in het centrum van Hoofddorp. Wij staan voor de verfijnde, traditionele Italiaanse keuken van nu, met natuurlijk de daarbij behorende gastvrijheid. Onze chefs (uit Vico Equense, Napels en Garfagnana, Toscane en Ostia, Rome) laten u genieten van de authentieke bereidingswijze van onze gerechten. Ervaar dat u bij ons niet te gast bent maar er gewoon bij hoort.
restaurants Hostellerie De L'Atelier Bar Restaurant

Cortesia e buona cucina

pizzerias Pizzeria Pronto Pizza La Bettola

Vieni a gustare le nostre deliziose specialità


Specialità di carne,taglieri di salumi e formaggi,antipasti di verdure,panini e tanto altro ancora